Friday 8 April 2016


Day is done.... Gone the Sun
From the Lakes..... From the Hills.....
From the Sky..... All is Well....
Safely Rest....... God is Nigh......

Fading Light..... Dims the Sight.....
And a Star....... Gems the Sky.....
From Afar...... Drawing Nigh.....
Falls the Night.....

Thanks and Praise..... For our Days....
Neath the Sun....... Neath the Stars......
Neath the Sky......
As we go.... Neath the Stars......

This is we know.... God is Nigh.....

The sound of a lone Bugler playing the "LAST POST" has been one of the most distinctive and haunting sounds that have always fascinated me . Eerie and evocative...It exists beyond all the usual barriers of Nation , Religion , Race  and Class charged with the memory of generations of the fallen Soldiers. It is the song whoever been to the Military Funerals or heard it playing gives the lump in the throat and tears in the eyes.

Every time I heard this song always send the chills down my spine. I never knew the lyrics nor the story behind the song and I am sure neither most  of you barring the ones from the defense background .So keeping this in mind I decided to write and share about " THE LAST POST" in Remembrance of those lost and harmed and fallen while serving their Nation. Also, in Remembrance of those who have served and returned and for those presently serving and defending our Nation day and night.

" THE LAST POST "  also known as " BUTTERFLY LULLABY" or "THE DAY IS DONE" originally in Military tradition signaled that the final Sentry Post has been inspected and the Camp was secure for the night. In addition to It's normal garrison use ...." THE LAST POST " was also used to signaled the close of a day at battle. It signaled to those who were still out and wounded or separated that the fighting was done for the day and to find safety and rest for the night. It is also sounded at Military funerals to indicate that the soldier has gone to his final rest and at Commerative services such as Remembrance Day...Raising Day ,Commonwealth Games etc.

Reportedly , It all began in 1862 during the "AMERICAN CIVIL WAR" when Union Captain Robert Ellicombe during the fighting with the Confederate Arm heard the moans of a severely wounded soldier in the night on the field. Not knowing if the soldier was a Union or a Confederate .....Captain risked his life and amidst the gunfire pulled the soldier towards his encampment. When the Captain finally reached his lines, he discovered the wounded soldier was actually a Confederate and he was dead. The Captain lit a lantern and as soon as he had a look at the dead soldier's face ,suddenly he caught his breath and went numb in shock as in the dim light he saw that the dead soldier was none other than his own son. The boy had been studying music and when the war broke , he got himself enlisted in the Confederate Army without his father's knowledge.

The following morning heartbroken father asked permission of his Superiors to give his son a full Military burial despite his enemy status. His request was partially granted since the soldier was a Confederate and out of respect for the father they gave him only one musician. The Captain chose a BUGLER and he asked the Bugler to play a series of notes that he had found on a piece of paper in the pocket of his dead son's uniform.

And so the the haunting melody we now know as " THE LAST POST" used at Military funerals across the nations was born. So this post today is dedicated and in honor of all the brave hearts we know as soldiers across the Nations who are proud and are not afraid to die for their Nation. The soldier who  don't think twice about giving up his today so that we can have our tomorrow.

                So do take some time to read and honor the brave hearts
                                                    " JAI HIND"

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