Friday 15 April 2016


And than My Soul saw you and it kind of went ," OH!!!!There  you are , I have been looking for you."

I didn't believe in the idea of "Soulmates" but then a few times in life realized that we don't people by accident rather they are meant to cross our path for a reason. Soulmate are generally your life patner is a wrong perception.They are not limited to one person but can be your best friend , mother , father , sister ,brother...... or just anyone. You can meet many Soulmates in your lifetime that play different roles throughout our lifetime.

There always come a Ahaaann!!!moment in everyone's life when you meet someone whom you feel an instant and immediate  connection than any one else.The moment you meet....a connection so strong is felt that you feel positive , an instant uplift of the spirit and feel a positive boost up of energy from are drawn to each other in a way you have never experienced before. As this connection develops you experiences a love so deep , strong and complex that you begin to doubt that you have truly loved anyone understand and connect with each other at every level.

Soulmates are just ordinary people not always a perfect fit....they help us to see everything that is holding us back and help us to evolve in a better person. One can say that the combined flaws of you and your Soulmate are arranged in such a way that allows two separate beings to hinge together.Soulmates are generally aligned with your Soul and is set to challenge ,awaken , and stir different parts of you in order to transcend to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Soulmates is a sacred alliance whose purpose is to help both partners discover and realize their deepest potential. While a heart connection lets us appreciate those we love just as they are ....A Soul connection helps not only to see and love the person we feel the connection with but also for who we could become under their influence. So, in short both have an equal part in helping each other become more fully who we are....not only inspire us to expand but also to confront whatever stands in the way of that expansion.

Our Soulmates always arrive when we are ready for them and to learn the lesson that we are/were destined to learn. He/She is your SOULMATE if...... 

1. Your inner spirit tells you this is the perfect one for you and pushing you to 'LET GO " of everything you ever expected and instead give yourself completely.

2. Yo meet when the time is right and you are ready to receive the Soul connection.

3. The Soul connection brings in a sense of peace , calmness and happiness when you are around each other.

4. There is a quiet peace between you two which iis comforting like a fluffy blanket on a cold winter.

5. You can feel and hear each others silent thoughts without ant verbal expression.

6. When you are not around each other you feel the emptiness and are much more aware of the harshness of the life.

7. You feel each othere's feelings , sadness , worry ,stress etc. and share each others happiness and joy.

8. Someone who sees your ugly side and understands why it's so beautiful.

And that's your SOULMATE.......
And you say........YOU COMPLETE ME.........


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