Tuesday 19 April 2016


What was it like to love him ?.... Asked Gratitude
It was like being exhumed.....I answered and 
brought to life in a flash of brilliance.....

What was it like to be Loved ?......Asked Joy
It was like being seen after a perpetual darkness......
I answered...to be heard after a lifetime of silence

What was it like to lose him ?......Asked Sorrow
There was a long pause before I responded........
It was like hearing every Goodbye ever said to me.....All at once
                                                                                        - Lang Leav

LOVE....The four letter word is a feeling too difficult to depict in words. Love is the most natural emotions of life.....the most euphoric , ecstatic , overwhelming joy one can ever experience. Love is neither sound , nor voice.....It's a silence that can be heard....an eternal feeling that cannot extinguished....celestial light which has illuminated the world since eternity.

No matter how experience a person....no one can truly grasp or explain LOVE to it's truest and deepest meaning.....it's concepts one a never ending story of an open book of experiences.One cannot measure Love in time but in transformation.Sometimes the person you have a longest connection with yield very little growth while a brief encounter with someone sometimes change everything.Heart is timeless....it does'nt care how long you know smeone....it just connects somehow and when the Heart finds the connection thats when the transformation begins. Love is a risk that every Heart takes....grasp and even fall into dark abyss only to crawl back again once it overcomes the emotions......

1. Being in love is about connecting with another person emotionally and caring for their happiness as it was your own.....Love intervines the fate with the person you love.

2. Love is sharing each others joy , happiness , sadness and even differences , blemishes and flaws and learn to work around them.

3. Love is recognising all the fears , insecurities and not caring about their past but workng through all these wanting to be together in future.

4. Love is waking up every morning next to the person all messed up and not worrying about how you look.

5. Love is trusting and being faithful to each other.

6. Love has "No Right " amount of time to fall in Love....it can happen anytiime....it's like a right given to a person to break your heart but trusting them not to.

7. Love is the real world contrary to the fairy tales "Happy Ending Ever Aftr" is not Eternal Sunshine and Rainbows....It's about appreciating even when you disagree and care enough to fight what you have.

8. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT though romantic is not real phenomenon. Attraction happens quick as does infatuation but Love takes time and understanding to develop.

Some people are GOOD AT BEING IN LOVE.....while some are GOOD T LOVE.....mind you two very different things. BEING IN LOVE is the romantic part....Midday naps in the sheets....the jokes..the laughs....the long conversations with no pauses....overwhelming  separation anxiety and physical attraction.....just the best side of both people. But , LOVE begins when the excitement of being in Love starts to fade....the tress of life sets in.....the butterflies disappear.....the sex becomes a chore..... the tears....the sadness....the arguments....the cattiness....the worst part of both people and if you still want that person by your side through all these things.......thats when you know...IT'S LOVE....,,



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