Wednesday 20 April 2016

INTEGRITY is something we all desire but how do you know if you have it ? AND......
What exactly is INTEGRITY anyways ?

INTEGRITY is the quality of being honest....upright....strong moral principals and decent in dealing 
with others.These qualities become the basis for both Reputation and Self Respect.It is generally a 
personal choice to uphold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards.

When we are "IN INTEGRITY" our words align with our actions but many times people can't 
withstand crisis well....the storm buffets and they collapse like a pack of cards and end up saying/doing 
things they don't really mean hence " MOVE OUT" of INTEGRITY. Normal doesn't test one's INTEGRITY.......CRISIS DO. 
INTEGRITY demands courage but delivers untroubled sleep.The wonderful thing about INTEGRITY
 is that it is one of the few things in life that no one will ever be able to take forcefully away from you......Your CHOICES are your own.

1. Keep promises even if it takes extra effort. Avoid committing something that you can't deliver.

2. Learn to be reliable and trustworthy.

3. Be Impeccable with your word.Speak with Integrity ....say only what you mean.

4. Have the courage to be honest with your own self.....stop justifying , giving excuses about what you 
know in your heart and mind to be wrong instead question your motives.

5. Learn to take criticism of you by others as many a time we are blind to our faults that others can see.

6. Use time of crisis , fear , disaster and chaos to demonstrate your true character as such times temptation is greater to make a wrong choice.

7. A big part of INTEGRITY is controlled by the values you choose to have in your life. You can't live 
by values you don't truly believe in. Thus define your values and learn not to compromise on those values.

Remember , INTEGRITY is a choice we make and it's a choice we must keep making every moment of our life. It is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal matter how or cool you believe you you treat people tells all. INTEGRITY of a 
person is measured by their conduct not by their learn to live by INTEGRITY...This is
 what make or break a man......INTEGRITY is the heart of character....don't lose it.

" You do not wake up one morning a bad person......
It happens by a thousand times surrender of Self Respect to Self Interest."
                                                                                                 - Robert Brault

                                      ........MONEY CAN BE RE EARNED
                                      .........TIME CAN BE CLAWED BACK
                                      .........LOVE CAN BE IGNITED
                                     INTEGRITY IS UNRECOVERABLE

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