Wednesday 13 April 2016


Suicide is Man,s way of telling GOD," You can't FIRE ME .....I QUIT "
                                                                                                  - Bill Maher

QUIT...LOOSE...SURRENDER...GIVE UP..these Words have Negative Connotations.
Do you really want them to apply to you ? Are you really a Quitter ?

So you have some terrible things going on in your life....Most people do, It doesn't mean you end your life...It means you Endure...Adapt....Grow and in time TRIUMPH. SUICIDE is never easy to talk or discuss but believe me talking about it if can Save even one life also than it's worth it....especially if that person is you.

Many people think SUICIDE is a selfish move....a Cowardly act because person does not care about the people left behind.BUT THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!. This is MENTAL ILLNESS...not Selfishness or being Coward.TRUTH....DEPRESSION....a terrible disease and seems relentless.Depression...a combination of pain....rejection.....abuse deep sadness....relationship issues.....guilt.....drugs and alcohol etc. Maybe a person feel wronged , his goal is hurt or maybe want to rattle the bars and wake the loved ones or maybe fill the people with regret for all the wrong doing done to him. All these circumstances when gets too much to bear , the person then often consider Suicide as an option to escape from their emotional pain.

It's sheer desperation or hopelessness and surely not because Death seems suddenly appealing. Most people who consider Suicide ,I am sure don't want to die, they just don't know how to cope with or eliminate the pain they are going through. The feeling of leaving the world comes when they think no one understands their pain or no one love them and it seems when the invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level in a person then they take such a drastic step same way as a person trapped in a fire don't think twice jumping out of the window but make no mistake about the person jumping out of the burning window as their fear of falling from a great height is still as great as it would be for you and me standing speculatively at the same window checking the view i.e the fear of falling remains constant.The variable here is the other terror....The fire flames. When the flames get close enough...falling to death becomes slightly less terrible than the flames.

Some might contradict and say that one needs courage to end one's life.....I DON'T THINK SO !!! Killing yourself will not be a relief to the suffering.In this one crazy moment people take such a drastic step ....PAIN.....momentary PAIN and then you are are no longer exist.Killing yourself is an easy way out to want relief from suffering where as living your life,finding courage to make your tomorrow better then today is difficult. But SUICIDE is final.There's no second next time or redo. Once you take your life...THAT'S IT.You have only one life.END IT and you are will never ever get a second chance.

Life is like an ocean.It can be calm or still and rough and rigid but in the end one needs more courage to live then to kill.Whats ironic about SUICIDE is that you hurt everyone else but yourself. Please know you are not alone. Change is inevitable. Everyone is afraid of the change..... being alone facing the hardships.No matter how many friends or well wishers you have know that at the end of the day everyone is alone.People can listen,guide,empathize etc with you but cannot face your pain for you...that one has to deal and face alone.Know that a broken heart,broken relationships , hardships , sorrows etc can be mended and overcome but a life once gone can never be replaced.We have one life and it will come with its shares of ups and downs but we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it.
So love yourself...surround yourself with people who love the way you are....motivate you....inspire you and make you feel special.Remember you deserve every bit of love and awesomeness that life has to offer.....stop sweeping Mental illness under the rug...GET HELP !!!1
BE GOOD......
    BE BETTER......
                      ACCOMPLISH MORE......

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