Wednesday 13 April 2016


Coward asks ," Is it safe ?"
Avarice asks ," Is there any gain in it ?"
Vanity asks ," Can I become great ?"
Lust asks ," Is there any pleasure in it ?"
Conscience asks ," Is it right ?"

Conscience , inner voice or the intuition as we commonly know literally means learning from within. It is the light of the Soul that burns deep within the chambers of our heart. It's a voice of the Self...a " Gut " feeling which says "Yes" or "No" when one is involved in a moral struggle. It's a voice inside each one of us that whispers all day..."I feel this is right for me ," or " I feel this is wrong "...a guiding voice which warn you like a teacher , preacher or friend to distinguish Right from Wrong.

Do you struggle with listening to your inner voice ? Do you doubt yourself and every inner signal you feel ?.....Well !!! you are not alone as each one of us sometimes or the other go through a period when we must decide what we feel and what we know..must choose between the Mind and the Heart. Many a time the love we feel hides the truth from Mind but seldom from our Soul. At times the bond between the heart and the mind is so strong that they try to overpower each other but neither one alone or together can overpower the, when such a time come then you must allow Soul to " GUIDE YOU ".

Most of us are not aware of the inner voice or even if we are , we fail to follow it. A few years back even I didn't know that I could follow my Soul...never heard the concept of inner voice or inner wisdom but then slowly I started to follow my interests and doing what made me feel good , avoided going against my better judgment or getting talked into things that just don't feel right and realized that this is the essence of doing what you love and listening to the subtle voice inside you.

Each one of us have this instinct but the problem starts when we listen too much of the voices of other's opinions ,clutter our minds , bogged down by the day to day pressures that we start to think we are doing wrong and we fail to listen to our inner voice. I am sure everyone of us including Me have gone through one of these periods...and during such a time I learnt that the challenge is to calm the mind instead of worrying what might go wrong in life ,learn to "LET GO" and allow myself to flow along , learn to be Myself and most importantly found the courage to follow heart and intuition as somehow they know what's right. You will know you have made the right decision when there is peace in your heart and mind.

Stop listening to what the world say, instead start listening to your Heart...deep inside everyone know what they want....let no one decide that for you. Inner voice is nothing but a harmonious relationship between the integrity of your own mind and your daily conduct and looking back all I see that while it was a period of also helped me go deeper into what worked for me and gave me the will to hear and follow my inner voice with conviction.

" Your heart is a witness to the truth or falsehood. He who being one thing represents himself as another thing to others is like a thief and a robber of his own self of what Sins he not capable ? You think that you alone has knowledge of your deed but know that GOD live in your heart....he know all your sins and you sin in his presence. He who sins think that none observes him but he is observed by the GOD who is in every heart."
                          - Vaisampayana (The Mahabharta - Adi Parva)

                            WHEN YOUR SOUL SPEAKS....TRUST YOUR SOUL


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