Thursday 21 April 2016


I didn't want to fall in LOVE........Not at all !!!!
But.....At some time , the Heart skipped a beat........
I smiled....He smiled.......

My Head said......"WHO CARES ?".........
But....The Heart whispered.....You do Stupid?"
And ....HOLY COW!!!!I BLEW IT.....

They asked me.....What I see in him ??.......
I smiled......looked at them and said....

I hope you too fall in Love .........
With someone who knows your favorite color.....
Kisses you in the rain .....Hugs you when you are cold

One who wants your hand to be the only......

He ever wants to hold........
One who says ," I LOVE YOU "
And is proud to show off to anyone he knows.....

I hope you fall in love with someone......
Who knows you are not perfect.......
But Loves you anyways........

One who wants to put head on your chest......
just to hear the heart beats.....

Someone who is afraid to loose you......
And will fight to have you with them......

One who uses " WHEN " not "IF".......
When talking about "US"........

AND LASTLY ,..........

One who would not mind waking up.....
with you in the morning......
seeing your wrinkles....grey hair But.....
Still falling in love with you all over again.......


Wednesday 20 April 2016

INTEGRITY is something we all desire but how do you know if you have it ? AND......
What exactly is INTEGRITY anyways ?

INTEGRITY is the quality of being honest....upright....strong moral principals and decent in dealing 
with others.These qualities become the basis for both Reputation and Self Respect.It is generally a 
personal choice to uphold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards.

When we are "IN INTEGRITY" our words align with our actions but many times people can't 
withstand crisis well....the storm buffets and they collapse like a pack of cards and end up saying/doing 
things they don't really mean hence " MOVE OUT" of INTEGRITY. Normal doesn't test one's INTEGRITY.......CRISIS DO. 
INTEGRITY demands courage but delivers untroubled sleep.The wonderful thing about INTEGRITY
 is that it is one of the few things in life that no one will ever be able to take forcefully away from you......Your CHOICES are your own.

1. Keep promises even if it takes extra effort. Avoid committing something that you can't deliver.

2. Learn to be reliable and trustworthy.

3. Be Impeccable with your word.Speak with Integrity ....say only what you mean.

4. Have the courage to be honest with your own self.....stop justifying , giving excuses about what you 
know in your heart and mind to be wrong instead question your motives.

5. Learn to take criticism of you by others as many a time we are blind to our faults that others can see.

6. Use time of crisis , fear , disaster and chaos to demonstrate your true character as such times temptation is greater to make a wrong choice.

7. A big part of INTEGRITY is controlled by the values you choose to have in your life. You can't live 
by values you don't truly believe in. Thus define your values and learn not to compromise on those values.

Remember , INTEGRITY is a choice we make and it's a choice we must keep making every moment of our life. It is choosing your thoughts and actions based on values rather than personal matter how or cool you believe you you treat people tells all. INTEGRITY of a 
person is measured by their conduct not by their learn to live by INTEGRITY...This is
 what make or break a man......INTEGRITY is the heart of character....don't lose it.

" You do not wake up one morning a bad person......
It happens by a thousand times surrender of Self Respect to Self Interest."
                                                                                                 - Robert Brault

                                      ........MONEY CAN BE RE EARNED
                                      .........TIME CAN BE CLAWED BACK
                                      .........LOVE CAN BE IGNITED
                                     INTEGRITY IS UNRECOVERABLE

Tuesday 19 April 2016


What was it like to love him ?.... Asked Gratitude
It was like being exhumed.....I answered and 
brought to life in a flash of brilliance.....

What was it like to be Loved ?......Asked Joy
It was like being seen after a perpetual darkness......
I be heard after a lifetime of silence

What was it like to lose him ?......Asked Sorrow
There was a long pause before I responded........
It was like hearing every Goodbye ever said to me.....All at once
                                                                                        - Lang Leav

LOVE....The four letter word is a feeling too difficult to depict in words. Love is the most natural emotions of life.....the most euphoric , ecstatic , overwhelming joy one can ever experience. Love is neither sound , nor voice.....It's a silence that can be eternal feeling that cannot extinguished....celestial light which has illuminated the world since eternity.

No matter how experience a one can truly grasp or explain LOVE to it's truest and deepest's concepts one a never ending story of an open book of experiences.One cannot measure Love in time but in transformation.Sometimes the person you have a longest connection with yield very little growth while a brief encounter with someone sometimes change everything.Heart is does'nt care how long you know just connects somehow and when the Heart finds the connection thats when the transformation begins. Love is a risk that every Heart takes....grasp and even fall into dark abyss only to crawl back again once it overcomes the emotions......

1. Being in love is about connecting with another person emotionally and caring for their happiness as it was your own.....Love intervines the fate with the person you love.

2. Love is sharing each others joy , happiness , sadness and even differences , blemishes and flaws and learn to work around them.

3. Love is recognising all the fears , insecurities and not caring about their past but workng through all these wanting to be together in future.

4. Love is waking up every morning next to the person all messed up and not worrying about how you look.

5. Love is trusting and being faithful to each other.

6. Love has "No Right " amount of time to fall in can happen's like a right given to a person to break your heart but trusting them not to.

7. Love is the real world contrary to the fairy tales "Happy Ending Ever Aftr" is not Eternal Sunshine and Rainbows....It's about appreciating even when you disagree and care enough to fight what you have.

8. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT though romantic is not real phenomenon. Attraction happens quick as does infatuation but Love takes time and understanding to develop.

Some people are GOOD AT BEING IN LOVE.....while some are GOOD T LOVE.....mind you two very different things. BEING IN LOVE is the romantic part....Midday naps in the sheets....the jokes..the laughs....the long conversations with no pauses....overwhelming  separation anxiety and physical attraction.....just the best side of both people. But , LOVE begins when the excitement of being in Love starts to fade....the tress of life sets in.....the butterflies disappear.....the sex becomes a chore..... the tears....the sadness....the arguments....the cattiness....the worst part of both people and if you still want that person by your side through all these things.......thats when you know...IT'S LOVE....,,



Friday 15 April 2016


And than My Soul saw you and it kind of went ," OH!!!!There  you are , I have been looking for you."

I didn't believe in the idea of "Soulmates" but then a few times in life realized that we don't people by accident rather they are meant to cross our path for a reason. Soulmate are generally your life patner is a wrong perception.They are not limited to one person but can be your best friend , mother , father , sister ,brother...... or just anyone. You can meet many Soulmates in your lifetime that play different roles throughout our lifetime.

There always come a Ahaaann!!!moment in everyone's life when you meet someone whom you feel an instant and immediate  connection than any one else.The moment you meet....a connection so strong is felt that you feel positive , an instant uplift of the spirit and feel a positive boost up of energy from are drawn to each other in a way you have never experienced before. As this connection develops you experiences a love so deep , strong and complex that you begin to doubt that you have truly loved anyone understand and connect with each other at every level.

Soulmates are just ordinary people not always a perfect fit....they help us to see everything that is holding us back and help us to evolve in a better person. One can say that the combined flaws of you and your Soulmate are arranged in such a way that allows two separate beings to hinge together.Soulmates are generally aligned with your Soul and is set to challenge ,awaken , and stir different parts of you in order to transcend to a higher level of consciousness and awareness. Soulmates is a sacred alliance whose purpose is to help both partners discover and realize their deepest potential. While a heart connection lets us appreciate those we love just as they are ....A Soul connection helps not only to see and love the person we feel the connection with but also for who we could become under their influence. So, in short both have an equal part in helping each other become more fully who we are....not only inspire us to expand but also to confront whatever stands in the way of that expansion.

Our Soulmates always arrive when we are ready for them and to learn the lesson that we are/were destined to learn. He/She is your SOULMATE if...... 

1. Your inner spirit tells you this is the perfect one for you and pushing you to 'LET GO " of everything you ever expected and instead give yourself completely.

2. Yo meet when the time is right and you are ready to receive the Soul connection.

3. The Soul connection brings in a sense of peace , calmness and happiness when you are around each other.

4. There is a quiet peace between you two which iis comforting like a fluffy blanket on a cold winter.

5. You can feel and hear each others silent thoughts without ant verbal expression.

6. When you are not around each other you feel the emptiness and are much more aware of the harshness of the life.

7. You feel each othere's feelings , sadness , worry ,stress etc. and share each others happiness and joy.

8. Someone who sees your ugly side and understands why it's so beautiful.

And that's your SOULMATE.......
And you say........YOU COMPLETE ME.........


Thursday 14 April 2016


Someone asked me......
Are you a House Wife or a Working Woman ????

I said.....

I am just a HOUSEWIFE.....No mean feat
I work 24 hrs a day....Non stop.....
Bound with bands of duty.....Rivetted tight....
For the House.....My dear and loved one's dwelling place

I am a Wife, Sister , Mother , Daughter in law , Lover.....
So many roles rolled in one.....
I am a  person who is strong , passionate , courageous, generous
all at the same time.....

I am a Cook........
put food cooked with Mother's touch on the table
What and when we shall eat.......
keeping everyone's taste buds in mind......

I am a Maid......A House Proud
My days are spent soiling and cleaning of things......
and keeping out the dust......Keep spic and span Home

I am a Teacher ....a Counselor
I comfort and listen to woes......
play and settle all the rows.....

I am a Nanny....a Nurse too...
helping ,nursing and healing.....
Sometimes nurture and fights 
Real fears of my husband.....
imaginary fears of young minds......

I am a Handyman , a Security guard and a Hostess too.....
I am an Action , Emotion , Devotion , Hope , Power , Beauty ,Brains Phew!!!
All rolled in one..... If need be.....
Entertaining without constraints......
A Disciplinarian when children require restraints.....

My Husband earning the bread but......
It's my job to keep him going....
Keep everything going.....
I keep things to Myself....
when things are not going right.....

I plan thins like a Chinese puzzle.....
always trying to fit and change....
think thousands details each in a thousand ways.....
just to make my loved one's life comfortable

I love hard , full of sparkle , compassion......
loyal , adventurous , supportive.....
nurture my family and...
fiercely protect and fight for them....

At times my mind in trouble........
Move in circles.....i get tiresome
narrow and hard but i keep going.....
without a complain......

I don't get holidays....medical leave or half days
I work throughout the Day and Night.....
Juggle so many tasks....Multitasking
Alas!!!all this without pay and appreciation.....
All i get paid is with a sentence........
"What you do all day at home ????"

Don't you think , I deserve more then this sentence from you ?


Wednesday 13 April 2016


Coward asks ," Is it safe ?"
Avarice asks ," Is there any gain in it ?"
Vanity asks ," Can I become great ?"
Lust asks ," Is there any pleasure in it ?"
Conscience asks ," Is it right ?"

Conscience , inner voice or the intuition as we commonly know literally means learning from within. It is the light of the Soul that burns deep within the chambers of our heart. It's a voice of the Self...a " Gut " feeling which says "Yes" or "No" when one is involved in a moral struggle. It's a voice inside each one of us that whispers all day..."I feel this is right for me ," or " I feel this is wrong "...a guiding voice which warn you like a teacher , preacher or friend to distinguish Right from Wrong.

Do you struggle with listening to your inner voice ? Do you doubt yourself and every inner signal you feel ?.....Well !!! you are not alone as each one of us sometimes or the other go through a period when we must decide what we feel and what we know..must choose between the Mind and the Heart. Many a time the love we feel hides the truth from Mind but seldom from our Soul. At times the bond between the heart and the mind is so strong that they try to overpower each other but neither one alone or together can overpower the, when such a time come then you must allow Soul to " GUIDE YOU ".

Most of us are not aware of the inner voice or even if we are , we fail to follow it. A few years back even I didn't know that I could follow my Soul...never heard the concept of inner voice or inner wisdom but then slowly I started to follow my interests and doing what made me feel good , avoided going against my better judgment or getting talked into things that just don't feel right and realized that this is the essence of doing what you love and listening to the subtle voice inside you.

Each one of us have this instinct but the problem starts when we listen too much of the voices of other's opinions ,clutter our minds , bogged down by the day to day pressures that we start to think we are doing wrong and we fail to listen to our inner voice. I am sure everyone of us including Me have gone through one of these periods...and during such a time I learnt that the challenge is to calm the mind instead of worrying what might go wrong in life ,learn to "LET GO" and allow myself to flow along , learn to be Myself and most importantly found the courage to follow heart and intuition as somehow they know what's right. You will know you have made the right decision when there is peace in your heart and mind.

Stop listening to what the world say, instead start listening to your Heart...deep inside everyone know what they want....let no one decide that for you. Inner voice is nothing but a harmonious relationship between the integrity of your own mind and your daily conduct and looking back all I see that while it was a period of also helped me go deeper into what worked for me and gave me the will to hear and follow my inner voice with conviction.

" Your heart is a witness to the truth or falsehood. He who being one thing represents himself as another thing to others is like a thief and a robber of his own self of what Sins he not capable ? You think that you alone has knowledge of your deed but know that GOD live in your heart....he know all your sins and you sin in his presence. He who sins think that none observes him but he is observed by the GOD who is in every heart."
                          - Vaisampayana (The Mahabharta - Adi Parva)

                            WHEN YOUR SOUL SPEAKS....TRUST YOUR SOUL



Suicide is Man,s way of telling GOD," You can't FIRE ME .....I QUIT "
                                                                                                  - Bill Maher

QUIT...LOOSE...SURRENDER...GIVE UP..these Words have Negative Connotations.
Do you really want them to apply to you ? Are you really a Quitter ?

So you have some terrible things going on in your life....Most people do, It doesn't mean you end your life...It means you Endure...Adapt....Grow and in time TRIUMPH. SUICIDE is never easy to talk or discuss but believe me talking about it if can Save even one life also than it's worth it....especially if that person is you.

Many people think SUICIDE is a selfish move....a Cowardly act because person does not care about the people left behind.BUT THAT'S NOT TRUE!!!. This is MENTAL ILLNESS...not Selfishness or being Coward.TRUTH....DEPRESSION....a terrible disease and seems relentless.Depression...a combination of pain....rejection.....abuse deep sadness....relationship issues.....guilt.....drugs and alcohol etc. Maybe a person feel wronged , his goal is hurt or maybe want to rattle the bars and wake the loved ones or maybe fill the people with regret for all the wrong doing done to him. All these circumstances when gets too much to bear , the person then often consider Suicide as an option to escape from their emotional pain.

It's sheer desperation or hopelessness and surely not because Death seems suddenly appealing. Most people who consider Suicide ,I am sure don't want to die, they just don't know how to cope with or eliminate the pain they are going through. The feeling of leaving the world comes when they think no one understands their pain or no one love them and it seems when the invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level in a person then they take such a drastic step same way as a person trapped in a fire don't think twice jumping out of the window but make no mistake about the person jumping out of the burning window as their fear of falling from a great height is still as great as it would be for you and me standing speculatively at the same window checking the view i.e the fear of falling remains constant.The variable here is the other terror....The fire flames. When the flames get close enough...falling to death becomes slightly less terrible than the flames.

Some might contradict and say that one needs courage to end one's life.....I DON'T THINK SO !!! Killing yourself will not be a relief to the suffering.In this one crazy moment people take such a drastic step ....PAIN.....momentary PAIN and then you are are no longer exist.Killing yourself is an easy way out to want relief from suffering where as living your life,finding courage to make your tomorrow better then today is difficult. But SUICIDE is final.There's no second next time or redo. Once you take your life...THAT'S IT.You have only one life.END IT and you are will never ever get a second chance.

Life is like an ocean.It can be calm or still and rough and rigid but in the end one needs more courage to live then to kill.Whats ironic about SUICIDE is that you hurt everyone else but yourself. Please know you are not alone. Change is inevitable. Everyone is afraid of the change..... being alone facing the hardships.No matter how many friends or well wishers you have know that at the end of the day everyone is alone.People can listen,guide,empathize etc with you but cannot face your pain for you...that one has to deal and face alone.Know that a broken heart,broken relationships , hardships , sorrows etc can be mended and overcome but a life once gone can never be replaced.We have one life and it will come with its shares of ups and downs but we owe it to ourselves to make the most of it.
So love yourself...surround yourself with people who love the way you are....motivate you....inspire you and make you feel special.Remember you deserve every bit of love and awesomeness that life has to offer.....stop sweeping Mental illness under the rug...GET HELP !!!1
BE GOOD......
    BE BETTER......
                      ACCOMPLISH MORE......