Monday 28 March 2016


Do not mention the name of love.....
O!!! My simple minded companion......
Strange is the path.......
when you offer your love......
your body is crushed at the first step.....

If you want to offer love......
Be prepared to cut off your head and sit on it.....

Be like the Moth.......
Which circles the lamp and offers it's body.....

Be like the Deer.......
Which on hearing the Horn.....
offers it's head to the Hunter......

Be like the Partridge.....
Which swallows burning coals in love of the moon....

Be like the Fish.....
Which yields up it's Life....
When separated from the Sea......

Be like the Bee.......
Entrapped in the closing petals of the Lotus.....

My Lord !!!! The Love that binds us cannot be broken.....
It's hard as the diamond that shatters......
The hammer that strikes it.....

As polish goes into the Gold.....
My heart has gone into you.....

As a Lotus lives in it's water......
I am rooted in you......

Like the bird that gazes all night at the passing Moon......
I have blinded myself in giving my eyes to your beauty....

She who offers herself completely asks only this.....
That her Lord love Mira as fully as he is loved.......
                                                                        - Mirabai
Over the ages...a lot has changed except the bonding of two people in love. LOVE....has not changed the color though the ways of expressing has. Love is an eternal feeling which resides inside every being whose heart becomes a strange beast not at all ruled by logic. It's strange how Love on one hand can be the most elated thing ever but also cause the most pain.....and yet everyone of us keep searching for it. Love cannot be measured..imagined...argued about or logically arrived at. True love never bargains...complain...expects....demand. Only full faith and complete surrender to the will of love enables us to totally dissolve our ego and merge into this ocean of love. Love is strange as it can make the weakest person strong and the strongest person weak

TO LOVE IS TO........


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