Thursday 24 March 2016


"HOPE" is the thing with feathers........
  That perches in the Soul........
  And sings the tune without the words.......
  And never stops....At all......

  And the heard....
  And sore must be the storm.......
      That could abash the little bird.....
That kept so many warm.........
    I have heard it in the chillest land......
    And on the strangest Sea.......... Extremity.....
   It asked a crumb.....of Me.....
                                           - Emily Dickinson

There's a saying that do not give up as the beginning is always the hardest.When we are trapped in darkness of despair,hopelessness and sadness...then the first thing that comes to our mind is...." HOPE "....Such a small but powerful word.

" HOPE " is being able to see that there is light despite the darkness.It enters the dark chambers of our hearts as the Sun of our existence.....shining day and night , never extinguished. " HOPE "shines aloft like a fixed star of promise of better future......a New Beginning. It reassures US...soothing our minds by reminding , "Life will get better "'

"HOPE " never dies in the breast of a may slumber and sleep for a while.... then wakes up...Refreshed , all it's troubles to scan and meet them halfway with a confident smile. So, let's not underestimate the power of" HOPE "..... no matter how fleeting it's life offers us the most convincing and fulfilling power. It knows no fear but is illumining , fulfilling and everlasting....therefore DO NOT GIVE UP " HOPE " even in the sunset of your life.

   Remember ,

                   PAIN IS REAL........

               BUT SO IS HOPE......NEVER LOSE HOPE


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