Saturday 12 March 2016


                                              LIFE IS WORTH LIVING

Welcome to my sanctuary of thoughts............

wow !! Finally taking a step forward to try and put my thoughts , views , experiences , fears , struggles , aspirations , dreams and so on in words to my best of ability about the Celebration called  " LIFE" as I see through this Blog.

I feel that if we don't take the time and energy to celebrate every moment , relationships ,ups and downs in our lives then it's less meaningful and special. Sharing the experiences brings more joy fulfillment and many a times give encouragement to face difficulties in our own lives.

The Blog "CELEBRATE LIFE" is created with the incentive to provide love , support , comfort understanding , inspiration and compassion without any discrimination or judgement. Anyone visiting the Blog are more then welcome to share  their own thoughts ,views , experiences for others to take an encouragement and know that they are not alone in their struggle but kindly refrain from posting any negative , hurtful or abusive comment or post .

 The Blog "CELEBRATE LIFE" is all about celebrating the joys of life to its full's the celebration of every pain , sorrow ,happiness, joy ,glory short celebration of every moment , every emotion , every change that we undergo in our lifetime. 

If you find any post particularly resonates with you or stir up some difficult feelings or thoughts and feel the need to connect , share or need help then please be free to message and I will endeavor to assist you to my best of the ability.

I don't claim to be an authority on anything that I post here or any 'GURU' or 'SPIRITUAL TEACHER' of any sort but just another human being trying to share my own thoughts ,views and experiences on different topics be it spiritual or religious or the different struggles or emotions and feelings that one undergoes during the different stages of life in the hope that it may help someone somewhere in someway going through struggle and feel alone or helpless.
                       Bury your busy head...........
                       in the soft belly of dreaming.......
                       beauty sails on shining wings..........
                       bearing gifts you never dreamed of..........
                       make your life CELEBRATION..............

I THANK and BLESSED everyone visiting my Blog..............
Stay Blessed always...................
                                                     " Jyoti "

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