Tuesday 29 March 2016


" WORDS....So powerful. They can crush a heart or heal it. They can shame a Soul or liberate it. They can shatter dreams or agonize them. They can obstruct connection or invite it. They can concrete defenses or melt them. We have to use WORDS wisely."
                                                                                             - Jeff Brows

How Well Said !!! World rests on Words and that it is these Words that create a World. It is through the force of the Words that you create everything....Power to express ...Communicate..to Think and thereby create everything in your life....You can create the most beautiful dream or you can destroy everything around you.
Words have the power to reach within that make life not just meaningful but also infuse it with much deserved liveliness. Every Word you say...every thought you say has an effect. It's the Words that come together to write the story of your life and create the past , present and future that we are experiencing. The Words you think.....the Words you write.....beware of the Words you say.....the Words you dream. Words can be truly magical....so choose your Words carefully and express them wisely.

Yet , many a times we are not thoughtful with our Words. At times we loose control when encountered with situations/people who disappoints us and often offensive Words fall away from our thinking in the form of negative emotion and what may seem justified to us at the moment may have pierced through the other person's heart leading to a long term damage that can be severe. It's rightly said that tongue has no bones but it is sharp enough to break a heart so be careful with your Words.

Learn to select your thoughts and Words just the way you choose your clothes everyday. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life.....work on the mind....That's the only thing that you should be trying to control. Remember , not everyday is going to be great but when you learn to take the ownership of your Words and actions...you will find comfort in knowing that you did the best you could with what you had.

Be mindful...Pause and be Clear on what you want to say. The words you use could break or make you. Choose your Words wisely as once they are said..they can only be forgiven not forgotten.

" Speak in Words so sweet..that fill the heart with joy
    like a cool breeze in summer...for others and self to enjoy. "
                                                                                          - Kabirdas

"Jyoti "

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