Sunday 27 March 2016


There is but One God....
True is his name......
Creative his personality......
Immortal His form........
Without fear sans enmity......Unborn and Illumined...
By the Guru's grace...He is obtained

Embrace His meditation......
True in the prime...True in the beginning of ages
True He is even now and True He verily,shall be O Nanak !!

By pondering on God , Man cannot have a concept of Him...
Even though he may ponder over lacs of times.....

Even though one be silent and
remains absorbed in Lord's constant Love......
He obtains not mind's silence......

The hunger of the hungry departs not......
Even though they may pile up loads of the World's valuables.....

Man may possess thousands and lacs of wits.....
but not even one avails him in the Lord's court......

How can we be true and .....
and how can the screen of untruth be rent ????
O Nanak ,By obeying the pre-ordained order of the Lord's will.....

EK ONKAR is a symbol which appears at the beginning of Sikh scripture means  "One with Everything". The symbol which is the basis of Sikhism is said to be the first composition uttered by Guru Nanak Dev upon enlightenment at the age of about 30 years.It is Guru Nanak's vision of the supreme being embodied in these terms.The chant is called "Mool Mantra" (the most important composition contained within the Shri Guru Granth Sahib) which have been evaluated ,proven and known over many eras to be flawless beyond any ambiguity whatsoever . The rest of " JAP SAHIB" that follows this "Mool Mantra" is said to be an elaboration of the main Mantra and that rest of the Guru Granth Sahib totaling 1430 pages is a detailed amplification of the "Mool Mantra".

The root of EK ONKAR is traceable to the Hindu sacred syllable "OM" also written as AUM....composed of three letters of Sanskrit alphabet representing the Hindu trinity (Brahma,Visnu,Mahesh) and also consider as an adequate symbol f the Absolute Transcendent Reality and consider unity of all sound to which all matters and energy are reduced in their primordial force. Guru Nanak Dev whose concept of God is based on unalloyed Monotheism....this was unacceptable.His was One and only Supreme Being...An indivisible Entity,so Guru Nanak's revealed scripture place numerical "1" before ONKAR thus enhancing his firm conviction in the Unity of God.

EK ONKAR - There is Only One God
SAT NAAM - His Name is True
KARTA PURAKH - He is the Creator
NIRBHAU , NIRVAIR - Without Fear , Without Hate
AKAAL MOORAT - Omnipresent
AJOONI , SAIBHAN - Free from Birth and Death , Self Illuminating
GURPRASAD - Realized through the Grace of the True Guru
JAP - Meditate upon His Name
AAD SACH - For He was True when Time Began
JUGAAD SACH - He has been True since the Ages
HAI BHI SACH - He is still True
NANAK HOSI BHI SACH - Guru Nanak says He will Forever be True

                                 " I am neither Male nor Female.......
                                     nor am I Sexless...I am the Beautiful One...
                                     Whose form is Self effulgent....
                                      Powerful Radiance "

                                                                         - Guru Nanak Dev Ji


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