Tuesday 15 March 2016


Somewhere the Earth , Somewhere the sky is missing……..
Whoever you see is lost in their own Sorrows……….
They have thoughts to Share…..But no Comapanion to listen
Who is able to douse the embers of time………
This is a fire that has no Smoke…….
It”s not like there’s no love in your life (Universe)……
Where you hope for it….you won’t find it there .
– Nida Fazil

This beautifully worded poem aptly surmises the various human emotions like fear,void,loneliness,desire,longing etc.Every individual hopes for a perfect life ,happiness and contentment minus the pain and suffering. Wish ” LIFE ” was so easy…..a wishful thinking by each one of us including “ME”……Right !!!!

Well !!! God certainly promised us a beautiful life but not without the fair amount of hardships and struggles to face. We are given constant struggles with extreme lows and extreme highs to learn and appreciate the good things that come to us after facing the adversaries and to test the patience and endurance.

Alas!!! Most people fail,they simply give up leading to negativity in life which leads to emptiness and void in an individual’s mind and life. People tend to give up when things not working out as expected or take too much time to accomplish, it leads to despair and not wanting to try again for the fear of failing again.

” Our greatest glory is not in never falling but rising every time we fall “
– Confucius
Everyone’s self confidence gets shaky now and then in the face of adversaries whereas all one need is to have faith that success can be achieved despite numerous failures and mind for sure will find the solution and way to tackle it. I Know….easy to say then actually achieve !!!
It is believed that all physical reality is made of vibrations of energy and the way we think have powerful influence in our life. Our thoughts make us or break us and influence our life.It’s the thoughts that direct us towards the outcome and shape us as a person. In simple words…if you focus on positive thoughts you will attract success and if you will focus on fear and failure than outcome will be negative.We need to keep in mind that no being born on this planet is free from pain though the degree may vary and even the individuals approach to tackle the problem also differ.We should no let the negativity or criticism of any sort deter us from learning and moving forward.

One needs to change the way of thinking by training the mind to let positive emotions and thoughts rule the mind and weed out negative thoughts like fear,failure,angeretc.etc. Yeahh !!!! It may seem a daunting task but certainly not at all impossible.Itsalright to feel scared,anxious,negative etc….If GOD wanted competition to his supremacy then certainly there won’t have been humans but only GODS…Right !!! God gave us this precious life endowed with varied emotions so that we learn,grow and appreciate whatever good or bad life has to offer with gratitude and humbleness.

So evoke the inner power from the dormant state to make decisions,take actions and fight the dark period with decisiveness ,determination and persistence.



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