Wednesday 30 March 2016


LIFE asked Death........
Why do people love me but Hate you ?

DEATH responded........
Because you are a Beautiful Lie and......
I am a Beautiful Truth......

DEATH....Five alphabets that when make up a word brings fear and sorrow to all. The Mystic nature of life is truly incredible in it's walking. Nothing in this World is Permanent...Nothing is Absolute. Life is brief and transient.... Death is certain..... something that no one can escape. Death does not discriminate but strips us of everything.....fame...wealth..power etc...these are all useless in the unadorned reality of the final moment of life.

No one can ever be too prepared for the great certainty and that is ....DEATH. The physical body which we try to identify ourselves with is temporary. Eventually when the time comes just as a person gives up worn out garments and accepts new clothes , similarly the Embodied Atman (Soul) gives up old and worn out bodies in order to accept new bodies...says Bhagvad Gita.

According to many Religious Beliefs...the awareness f DEATH reminds us of the temporariness of the physical body and enable us to live each day...each moment filled with the appreciation for our time on Earth. A person's current life is only one of many lives that will be lived. The quality of Karma performed in the present life determine the future destiny of each person. Buddha and Bhagvad Gita taught that  there is no beginning for this cycle but it can be ended when one realizes the path of Self Knowledge leading to " MOKSHA " (Liberation) freeing one from this never ending cycle of LIFE and DEATH.

Ignorance of One's true Self leads to Ego Consciousness of the body and the phenomenal World which in turn grounds one in " KAMA " (Desires) and " MAYA " ( Illusions ) that leads to perpetual chain of LIFE and DEATH. Only one who realizes the Eternal Soul which is beyond all sound....all sight....all taste....all touch and is formless....attributless and which is infinite....unchanging....self himself from the cycles of REBIRTHS.

We all fear DEATH...Which may stemmed from the fear of cease to be existent , possibly the fear of encountering something beyond which is unknown. DEATH of a loved one or anyone is a painful reminder that everything is a BLIP !!! of transience and impermanent. There is a famous story of a woman who came to Buddha pleading him to bring her dead child to life. Buddha asked her to get him mustard seeds from any household where no one had ever died and he will fulfill her wish. Women failed to find any such house and suddenly realized the Universality of DEATH.

It's natural to feel sad when a loved one dies or when you fear DEATH but if you are aware that ATMAN (Soul) has not died and it exists then this knowledge may give you some peace. As Bhagvad Gita says that the Soul can never be cut into pieces by weapon nor can be burned by fire nor moistened by water or withered by wind..... IT'S TIMELESS.

So , instead of worrying and getting scared irrespective of what DEATH may actually be....can we not accept the inevitability of DEATH like a new adventure. At least , this thought ,may make our life more without fear and stress that when the final end comes...We will hopefully ave no regrets unfulfilled complaints and will be willing to accept it happily and with peace.



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