Friday 18 March 2016

ENDLESS LOVE..........

I planted the creeper of love........
And silently watered it with my tears.......
now it has grown and overspread my dwelling.......

I am mad with love........
And no one understands my plight.........
Only the Wounded understand the agonies of the wounded.......
When the fire rages in the heart........

                                                          - Mirabai the infinite power that connects everyone and everything in this Universe and Love becomes selfless when you see GOD in everyone and everything that you encounter . Love is when someone accepts your past , support you in your present , Love and encourage you in your present . Love is not being selective , does not exclude , holds grudge or choose.....there is infinite Love in each one of us and all that we have to do is to learn to open our hearts ,receive and spread without any expectations. If one has faith , discipline , love and selfless devotion to duty then there is nothing that cannot be achieved....Love is the ornament and beauty of the Soul....and only a true heart which is filled with Love can understand the richness of another heart........

                                            EXPAND IN LOVE
                                                  BE LOVE



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