Thursday 31 March 2016


I Saw You First Time.......
I Was Afraid To Meet You.......

And When I Met You........
I Was Afraid To Fall In Love With You.....

But Now That I LOVE YOU........
I Am Afraid To Loose You.......

Maybe It's God.....Maybe It's Fate......
I Know It's Not An Accident That I found You......

You Are The Smile To My Face......
And The Beat To My Heart......


" I LOVE YOU ".......You Said The First Time.....
 I Turned My Body To Face Yours......." SAY IT AGAIN...."

" I LOVE YOU ".....The most magical simple , yet dripping like honey with heavy meaning...weigh on the tongues and hearts of every person. No matter how many times repeated or one hears them, yet no one can't seems to get enough. Every time one hears these words they sound like a sweet melody to one's heart and ears. " I LOVE YOU " is like explaining how water tastes....... COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE.

We should remember saying " I LOVE YOU " is only a beginning as once we say these Words then We really need to say it from heart...mean it and most importantly we need to show consistently...We need to both express and demonstrate Love...
                           " So long as I can breathe or I can see.....
So long lives your love which gives life to me ."
                                                     - Shakespeare

" Jyoti "

Wednesday 30 March 2016


LIFE asked Death........
Why do people love me but Hate you ?

DEATH responded........
Because you are a Beautiful Lie and......
I am a Beautiful Truth......

DEATH....Five alphabets that when make up a word brings fear and sorrow to all. The Mystic nature of life is truly incredible in it's walking. Nothing in this World is Permanent...Nothing is Absolute. Life is brief and transient.... Death is certain..... something that no one can escape. Death does not discriminate but strips us of everything.....fame...wealth..power etc...these are all useless in the unadorned reality of the final moment of life.

No one can ever be too prepared for the great certainty and that is ....DEATH. The physical body which we try to identify ourselves with is temporary. Eventually when the time comes just as a person gives up worn out garments and accepts new clothes , similarly the Embodied Atman (Soul) gives up old and worn out bodies in order to accept new bodies...says Bhagvad Gita.

According to many Religious Beliefs...the awareness f DEATH reminds us of the temporariness of the physical body and enable us to live each day...each moment filled with the appreciation for our time on Earth. A person's current life is only one of many lives that will be lived. The quality of Karma performed in the present life determine the future destiny of each person. Buddha and Bhagvad Gita taught that  there is no beginning for this cycle but it can be ended when one realizes the path of Self Knowledge leading to " MOKSHA " (Liberation) freeing one from this never ending cycle of LIFE and DEATH.

Ignorance of One's true Self leads to Ego Consciousness of the body and the phenomenal World which in turn grounds one in " KAMA " (Desires) and " MAYA " ( Illusions ) that leads to perpetual chain of LIFE and DEATH. Only one who realizes the Eternal Soul which is beyond all sound....all sight....all taste....all touch and is formless....attributless and which is infinite....unchanging....self himself from the cycles of REBIRTHS.

We all fear DEATH...Which may stemmed from the fear of cease to be existent , possibly the fear of encountering something beyond which is unknown. DEATH of a loved one or anyone is a painful reminder that everything is a BLIP !!! of transience and impermanent. There is a famous story of a woman who came to Buddha pleading him to bring her dead child to life. Buddha asked her to get him mustard seeds from any household where no one had ever died and he will fulfill her wish. Women failed to find any such house and suddenly realized the Universality of DEATH.

It's natural to feel sad when a loved one dies or when you fear DEATH but if you are aware that ATMAN (Soul) has not died and it exists then this knowledge may give you some peace. As Bhagvad Gita says that the Soul can never be cut into pieces by weapon nor can be burned by fire nor moistened by water or withered by wind..... IT'S TIMELESS.

So , instead of worrying and getting scared irrespective of what DEATH may actually be....can we not accept the inevitability of DEATH like a new adventure. At least , this thought ,may make our life more without fear and stress that when the final end comes...We will hopefully ave no regrets unfulfilled complaints and will be willing to accept it happily and with peace.



Tuesday 29 March 2016


" WORDS....So powerful. They can crush a heart or heal it. They can shame a Soul or liberate it. They can shatter dreams or agonize them. They can obstruct connection or invite it. They can concrete defenses or melt them. We have to use WORDS wisely."
                                                                                             - Jeff Brows

How Well Said !!! World rests on Words and that it is these Words that create a World. It is through the force of the Words that you create everything....Power to express Think and thereby create everything in your life....You can create the most beautiful dream or you can destroy everything around you.
Words have the power to reach within that make life not just meaningful but also infuse it with much deserved liveliness. Every Word you say...every thought you say has an effect. It's the Words that come together to write the story of your life and create the past , present and future that we are experiencing. The Words you think.....the Words you write.....beware of the Words you say.....the Words you dream. Words can be truly choose your Words carefully and express them wisely.

Yet , many a times we are not thoughtful with our Words. At times we loose control when encountered with situations/people who disappoints us and often offensive Words fall away from our thinking in the form of negative emotion and what may seem justified to us at the moment may have pierced through the other person's heart leading to a long term damage that can be severe. It's rightly said that tongue has no bones but it is sharp enough to break a heart so be careful with your Words.

Learn to select your thoughts and Words just the way you choose your clothes everyday. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your on the mind....That's the only thing that you should be trying to control. Remember , not everyday is going to be great but when you learn to take the ownership of your Words and will find comfort in knowing that you did the best you could with what you had.

Be mindful...Pause and be Clear on what you want to say. The words you use could break or make you. Choose your Words wisely as once they are said..they can only be forgiven not forgotten.

" Speak in Words so sweet..that fill the heart with joy
    like a cool breeze in summer...for others and self to enjoy. "
                                                                                          - Kabirdas

"Jyoti "

Monday 28 March 2016


Do not mention the name of love.....
O!!! My simple minded companion......
Strange is the path.......
when you offer your love......
your body is crushed at the first step.....

If you want to offer love......
Be prepared to cut off your head and sit on it.....

Be like the Moth.......
Which circles the lamp and offers it's body.....

Be like the Deer.......
Which on hearing the Horn.....
offers it's head to the Hunter......

Be like the Partridge.....
Which swallows burning coals in love of the moon....

Be like the Fish.....
Which yields up it's Life....
When separated from the Sea......

Be like the Bee.......
Entrapped in the closing petals of the Lotus.....

My Lord !!!! The Love that binds us cannot be broken.....
It's hard as the diamond that shatters......
The hammer that strikes it.....

As polish goes into the Gold.....
My heart has gone into you.....

As a Lotus lives in it's water......
I am rooted in you......

Like the bird that gazes all night at the passing Moon......
I have blinded myself in giving my eyes to your beauty....

She who offers herself completely asks only this.....
That her Lord love Mira as fully as he is loved.......
                                                                        - Mirabai
Over the ages...a lot has changed except the bonding of two people in love. LOVE....has not changed the color though the ways of expressing has. Love is an eternal feeling which resides inside every being whose heart becomes a strange beast not at all ruled by logic. It's strange how Love on one hand can be the most elated thing ever but also cause the most pain.....and yet everyone of us keep searching for it. Love cannot be measured..imagined...argued about or logically arrived at. True love never bargains...complain...expects....demand. Only full faith and complete surrender to the will of love enables us to totally dissolve our ego and merge into this ocean of love. Love is strange as it can make the weakest person strong and the strongest person weak

TO LOVE IS TO........


Sunday 27 March 2016


There is but One God....
True is his name......
Creative his personality......
Immortal His form........
Without fear sans enmity......Unborn and Illumined...
By the Guru's grace...He is obtained

Embrace His meditation......
True in the prime...True in the beginning of ages
True He is even now and True He verily,shall be O Nanak !!

By pondering on God , Man cannot have a concept of Him...
Even though he may ponder over lacs of times.....

Even though one be silent and
remains absorbed in Lord's constant Love......
He obtains not mind's silence......

The hunger of the hungry departs not......
Even though they may pile up loads of the World's valuables.....

Man may possess thousands and lacs of wits.....
but not even one avails him in the Lord's court......

How can we be true and .....
and how can the screen of untruth be rent ????
O Nanak ,By obeying the pre-ordained order of the Lord's will.....

EK ONKAR is a symbol which appears at the beginning of Sikh scripture means  "One with Everything". The symbol which is the basis of Sikhism is said to be the first composition uttered by Guru Nanak Dev upon enlightenment at the age of about 30 years.It is Guru Nanak's vision of the supreme being embodied in these terms.The chant is called "Mool Mantra" (the most important composition contained within the Shri Guru Granth Sahib) which have been evaluated ,proven and known over many eras to be flawless beyond any ambiguity whatsoever . The rest of " JAP SAHIB" that follows this "Mool Mantra" is said to be an elaboration of the main Mantra and that rest of the Guru Granth Sahib totaling 1430 pages is a detailed amplification of the "Mool Mantra".

The root of EK ONKAR is traceable to the Hindu sacred syllable "OM" also written as AUM....composed of three letters of Sanskrit alphabet representing the Hindu trinity (Brahma,Visnu,Mahesh) and also consider as an adequate symbol f the Absolute Transcendent Reality and consider unity of all sound to which all matters and energy are reduced in their primordial force. Guru Nanak Dev whose concept of God is based on unalloyed Monotheism....this was unacceptable.His was One and only Supreme Being...An indivisible Entity,so Guru Nanak's revealed scripture place numerical "1" before ONKAR thus enhancing his firm conviction in the Unity of God.

EK ONKAR - There is Only One God
SAT NAAM - His Name is True
KARTA PURAKH - He is the Creator
NIRBHAU , NIRVAIR - Without Fear , Without Hate
AKAAL MOORAT - Omnipresent
AJOONI , SAIBHAN - Free from Birth and Death , Self Illuminating
GURPRASAD - Realized through the Grace of the True Guru
JAP - Meditate upon His Name
AAD SACH - For He was True when Time Began
JUGAAD SACH - He has been True since the Ages
HAI BHI SACH - He is still True
NANAK HOSI BHI SACH - Guru Nanak says He will Forever be True

                                 " I am neither Male nor Female.......
                                     nor am I Sexless...I am the Beautiful One...
                                     Whose form is Self effulgent....
                                      Powerful Radiance "

                                                                         - Guru Nanak Dev Ji


Friday 25 March 2016


My Dear Daughter........
          Angels are often disguised as daughters and I knew this for sure ,the day I held you in my was Ten Toes....Seven Pounds...a Big Bundle of Love and Joy. I fed you...felt you and realized that I would spent rest of My life doing things to make you happy and that would make me happy.Your arrival changed my was a new beginning and a wonderful change. I never knew how much love my heart could hold until I became a Mother. You have become precious to me in every way....the Sunshine of my day ....the Joy in my Soul and the Love of my life.It's a journey we are growing together and walking hand in hand....seeing the World..faltering ...learning Until one day you Let Go to discover and walk own path.

As I see you grow so fast that sometimes it sends me a whirl and with misty eyes sometimes look for my little girl who giggled and wriggled in my arms just a while back and all I see are the years quickly fly by with mixed with a few tears to cry as I see you growing to Womanhood. The fact that I want you to know is that like branches on a tree...we may grow in different directions but the roots remain same and through the fury of the storm called Life..if you need me...just call me..I don't care if I am sleeping or having my own problems..NO Matter how Big or Small your problems ....MOMMY WILL BE THERE.

My Sweet Little Angel , please know that you are and will always be my source f pride no matter where you go. All I wish for you is that may this life becomes all that you want it to be...may all your dreams stay big and your worries small.I wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence.Please know that your life is all about finding yourself...creating, I wish you the wisdom to choose your battles carefully. Sweetheart!!!Life is a roller coaster ride with many adventures along the way....during such times I wish you to climb into the front seat..throw your arms in air...look life in the eyes and enjoy the ride .You must stand up tall and proud...within you feel no fear...listen to your heart and take risks. Find the joy in all choices you make irrespective of the results.

Lastly,when I tell you,"I LOVE YOU" then know I don't say it out of habit but I say it to remind you that you are the best thing that ever happened to me . Please understand that I am your parent but I am not perfect and when I do something wrong,I will admit it or when I am hurting I will let you help..I will try to be real and as long as I am will always have arms ready to hug you...ears ready to listen and heart that will never stop loving you and when someday the pages of my life end...I know that you will be one of the most beautiful chapter.......

If I have to chose between loving you and breathing....I would use my last breath to tell yu...I LOVE YOU......My Daughter you are SUPER AMAZING and I am the lucky one because I get to be your MOMMY......

                                        LOVE YOU TO DEATH......




Thursday 24 March 2016


"HOPE" is the thing with feathers........
  That perches in the Soul........
  And sings the tune without the words.......
  And never stops....At all......

  And the heard....
  And sore must be the storm.......
      That could abash the little bird.....
That kept so many warm.........
    I have heard it in the chillest land......
    And on the strangest Sea.......... Extremity.....
   It asked a crumb.....of Me.....
                                           - Emily Dickinson

There's a saying that do not give up as the beginning is always the hardest.When we are trapped in darkness of despair,hopelessness and sadness...then the first thing that comes to our mind is...." HOPE "....Such a small but powerful word.

" HOPE " is being able to see that there is light despite the darkness.It enters the dark chambers of our hearts as the Sun of our existence.....shining day and night , never extinguished. " HOPE "shines aloft like a fixed star of promise of better future......a New Beginning. It reassures US...soothing our minds by reminding , "Life will get better "'

"HOPE " never dies in the breast of a may slumber and sleep for a while.... then wakes up...Refreshed , all it's troubles to scan and meet them halfway with a confident smile. So, let's not underestimate the power of" HOPE "..... no matter how fleeting it's life offers us the most convincing and fulfilling power. It knows no fear but is illumining , fulfilling and everlasting....therefore DO NOT GIVE UP " HOPE " even in the sunset of your life.

   Remember ,

                   PAIN IS REAL........

               BUT SO IS HOPE......NEVER LOSE HOPE


Monday 21 March 2016

Meeting Between lovers

Short is our lifespan.........
As the twinkling of an eye..........

The glamour of the court......
is but the glimmer of the spark..........
                                            - Mirza Ghalib

The warmth of the meeting between the lovers provides comfort as long as together but the meeting seem always too short.....

As soon as they separate...despair , longing ,missing....takes over. It's truly said that one do not know the depth of own love until the hour of separation........


Sunday 20 March 2016


Is your glass half empty or half full ? you answer this age old question about positive thinking reflect your outlook on life , your attitude toward yourself . People have two choices.....either be Positive or Optimist or a Pessimist. It's just a matter of choice what you choose . you can't live a Positive life with a Negative outlook that's for sure . Positive anything is better then Negative ,no matter what you are going through in life ,there always is a light at the end of the tunnel though it may seem hard to get at it but all one need to do is keep walking towards it with the believe that you can do it and trust me you will find the positive side of things. I truly believe that everything we do and meet is for a purpose and all we need to do is to pay attention to the lessons we learn , not be afraid to take risks and be Positive . My simple rules to be Positive are .......

1. Pick up a day....enjoy it to the hilt,the day as it comes.

2. Keep a Positive attitude and you will automatically experience the pleasant and
  happy feelings.

3. Surround yourself with people who inspire you, challenge you to rise higher and
  make you feel good about yourself.

4. Don't play the victim...even if your living situation becomes unbearable..there is
  always a way out no matter how difficult the situation is.

5. You create your own life...take responsibility of all your actions and remember that
  you will always have the choice to make change happen...if need be.

6. It's easy to dwell on past....keep in mind that no one is perfect and let yourself
  move forward learning from past.

7. Believe that life is " Worth Living " and "Let Go" of the people/situations that are
  not adding to your growth.

8. Throw " Expectations" and "Assumptions" out of the door...learn to love yourself
  and depend on yourself. Everyone has a fighter in them....just need to recognize and
  bring it out.

It's not always possible to surround ourselves with Positivity in an ideal world but we can always work towards the commitment of Being Positive as life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it.

